Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Our trip home from Manzanillo

We love going to Manzanillo.
We had our Manzanillo District Conference several weekends ago, and then interviewed the Manzanillo zone missionaries the following Monday.  
We traveled home on Tuesday afternoon.  
It is a beautiful drive, and with the weather warming up, things were looking greener and starting to come into bloom.
We saw so many interesting things on the drive home... we always do.  I constantly want Bob to slow down, or even stop, to catch the perfect picture.  I am so taken by, and love these sweet people here in Mexico.  The culture, the countryside, the beautiful landscapes, but also, and especially the tender images of the precious families.  We see many who are struggling, but boy, I have learned that they are strong and resilient and humble.
Today we saw some things that really touched and broke our hearts.
I though I would share them here as they reminded Bob and I of how very blessed we are, and, I am persuaded that perhaps we each must be a little more grateful and thankful each and every day for our blessings and privileges and opportunities. Quite honestly, my hope is that these images will help us commit ourselves to do our part as we seek to hasten the work of salvation.

Our prayer as we serve here in Mexico, is to find and seek out those that are prepared to hear the gospel message.  The good news of the gospel, is the exact answer that will lift, strengthen and enable families like the ones in these pictures. 

We loved this first picture of a truck with the back stacked neatly with pineapples.  Look closely.

Can you see them stacked in there?

ok, here is this sweet extended family either coming or going to town.
I was very cautious and judicious in taking these pictures, so as not to be noticed or bring offense, then I edited them for a closer view.
We were honestly just so humbled to come upon this sight. To see how packed they were in the back of their truck with standing room only.
The children are standing along the sides

Here is a closer view 

This mother is sitting on the tailgate with a 
baby in her arms

Can you see the little children standing along the sides?

I absolutely could not resist editing this
picture even closer to highlight
this precious little boy so we could
see his little wind blown face.                     

This poor little guy looks like he has crashed

right there with his head on the side of the truck


These horses were so close to the highway.

They probably didn't think a thing about
all the cars and trucks whizzing by.

This beauty seemed to pause his lunch to ask if there
    was anything he could do to help me... If not then, MOVE ALONG...              


I loved the wires attached to the trees and the tires stacked up

but what I really loved was the man taking a snooze.
His lawn chair in his doorway

 he's out..

This man is selling all kinds of treats

And this man is balancing his baked goods on his head 

Flower shops

 I absolutely love the brooms and mops
for sale on almost every corner

Some of these pictures are fuzzy and blurry due to the fact 
that we are whizzing by because
someone  won't slow down :/
the fruit stands

and of course the taco stands