Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taking the girl to college (part1)

Taking Erin to college..... well
much to Erin's chagrin, we stopped here and there
and saw everybody along the way...
We went fishing with Matt and Tana and family up at
a little pond in Heber

the kids were precious and so excited to catch a big one

Erin and Katie finding grasshoppers

We stopped in Salt Lake and went to the Church
Museum of Art to see Bob's art piece that is on display
there as part of this years Church International Art Competition.
His piece was juried into the exhibition.

He still thinks everybody is making too big of a deal about this..... 

silly Bob....
but Erin keeps him clued in.... 
(poor Bob is stuck holding Erin's purse) 

we walked around the City Creek Mall

and then headed up to Idaho

somewhere along the way, those two were convinced
that they had stepped in or touched something smelly....
we had to stop the car and check it out...

we were getting closer and closer and she was getting so excited...

finally... we arrived! 

this is the place.... the place for her.
We are so excited for you Erin.
       Have fun!!