Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's Christmas time

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

down out street

We love, love, love to hear and watch the kids play across the street... they love that hill!

out our front window

our back yard... see the trampoline to the back right the snow is almost half way up already!

our nightly walk... burrrr ( I think we look the same every 
year cuz we have our same warm gear on) but this year check out that moon right behind us 

frozen kodiak after our walk one night..
waiting for a treat... see his light is still clicked on - on
his collar so he glows bright for cars to see his  chocolate
little tail hop skip and jumping through the snow  :)

Matt and Scott with our Christmas tree (I posted this in our Thanksgiving post because Matt and Emily were here with us then

Putting up Christmas lights Saturday afternoon

getting cozy by the fire

trying to get kodiak to sit on that freezing cold bench on the front porch... he kept readjusting around and around... poor guy 

just finished trimming the tree

scott nestled down to watch a movie

Our tree... see the stockings hung

for my kids.... maybe they will remember some of
their favorite Christmas decorations
although these are new this year 
(thank you Emily)

you will all remember these vintage santa's  :)

And this is the sweetest manger scene ever... made by dad when we lived at the U of U in
graduate school and didn't have 2 nickels to rub together.  He made us a manger from our
rag bag, some hangers and sticks, rubber bands and glue.  I treasure it because it was made with such great care and love by dad.

Little Red Buckets ... which dad is reading aloud to me and Scott each Sunday night